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Chatbots News


22 Mar 23 - Impact of AI on Image Recognition

Once again, Karpathy, a dedicated human labeler who trained on 500 images and identified 1,500 images, beat the computer with a 5.1 percent error rate. Image recognition is the process of identifying an object or a feature in an image or video. It is used in many applications like defect detection, medical imaging, and security […]

20 Feb 23 - Chatbot for Health Care and Oncology Applications Using Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning: Systematic Review PMC

Bots help to convert users to customers, drive sales, and improve the overall consumer experience. Leveraging chatbot for healthcare help to know what your patients think about your hospital, doctors, treatment, and overall experience through a simple, automated conversation flow. Chatbot for healthcare help providers effectively bridges the communication and education gaps. It can also […]

3 Feb 23 - Intercom vs Zendesk: The Ultimate Head-to-Head Showdown in 2018

When you’re troubleshooting something with a user, knowing exactly what’s happening on the backend can be enormously helpful. Unfortunately, Intercom doesn’t have this functionality and you’ll need to ask your users for console information like network and device details, user steps, bugs, etc. Intercom doesn’t have a built-in feature for escalations, so for level 2 […]

27 Gen 23 - RPA and Cognitive Automation: only for big business?

Let’s consider some of the ways that cognitive automation can make RPA even better. You can use natural language processing and text analytics to transform unstructured data into structured data. For instance, the call center industry routinely deals with a large volume of repetitive monotonous tasks that don’t require decision-making capabilities. With RPA, they automate […]

17 Gen 23 - Benefit of a chatbot for your company’s website

The last few years have witnessed the considerable adoption of chatbots for business. From lead generation to guided shopping, chatbot marketing is revolutionizing the way business is done. One of the major benefits of chatbots in ecommerce is their ability to reduce friction and eliminate reasons that potential buyers drop off. First, it lets you […]