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Archivio Chatbots News Febbraio 2023

20 Feb 23 - Chatbot for Health Care and Oncology Applications Using Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning: Systematic Review PMC

Bots help to convert users to customers, drive sales, and improve the overall consumer experience. Leveraging chatbot for healthcare help to know what your patients think about your hospital, doctors, treatment, and overall experience through a simple, automated conversation flow. Chatbot for healthcare help providers effectively bridges the communication and education gaps. It can also […]

3 Feb 23 - Intercom vs Zendesk: The Ultimate Head-to-Head Showdown in 2018

When you’re troubleshooting something with a user, knowing exactly what’s happening on the backend can be enormously helpful. Unfortunately, Intercom doesn’t have this functionality and you’ll need to ask your users for console information like network and device details, user steps, bugs, etc. Intercom doesn’t have a built-in feature for escalations, so for level 2 […]